Thursday, January 15, 2015

The Lumberjack

Early morning, It's still dark.

No sound from any bird, not even a lark.

Grab an axe, and slash, and hack

Felling these trees is breaking my back.

Dangerous are these woods out here,

If one is not careful there can be much to fear.

The chockerman has a most dangerous job,

If equipment isn't cared for, your head could be lobbed.

We lumberjacks must have balance, and be fit as a fiddle.

With no warning a cook may hit you with a griddle,

For being a seriously ungracious lout

by ending up his day by your unreasonable pout.

Back to the woods on the road after lunch,

It seems more like a trail  is my hunch,

And more conducive to the path for a goat.

The trees seem mad and keep tearing at my coat.

I wouldn't trade my life for the urban jungle.

The people and traffic would put me in a bungle

So here in the woods, working away I shall stay.

So you in the city can build a stick house that won't sway.

I like my life here, so here I shall stay,

No matter what, and come what may.

                          - Linda Meyer


In my life I've been sad to hear,
those that don't care about others, their message is clear.
"Pick yourself up by your bootstraps" I hear them exclaim,
they care naught for my circumstances, I cannot; It's my pain.

When you've no money, no address, no phone,
no one will hire you, you're out on your own.
In this time of high technology,  when most businesses hire from online,
having no computer, I can't put in applications. I haven't got a dime.

No transportation to go to a job, no housing, no address, leaves me in a lurch.
So I sit here, and you watch me with wary eyes from your perch,
You assume I committing a crime, just by sitting on a bench.
You assume I'm an addict due to my aromatic stench.

I don't have a home, no shower, no clean clothes,
For it is I and those who are like me that you do your best to loathe.
Your unwanted assumptions are my cross to bear,
I wonder if you really see me, if you could really care.

Humanity needs to come full circle, to care about each other,
It wasn't that long ago you see, but now no one wants to bother.
The tribes of the past, used to share and make sure all were taken care of,
No one went hungry, or unsheltered, or unloved.

A lesson for humanity should be given once again on the range,
the ones who are oppressed are the ones who can make change,
but only if we all stick together, regardless of our lot.
We only have each other, and that is all that we've got.

So fight for all humanity, against the hoarded greed,
With kindness and fairness, we can all be freed
from this giant rat race, we can live together, and amend
and let the planet heal from our wars on each other, and be better humans once again.

-Linda Meyer


Go Away! I heard him say.
You homeless bum be on your way!
He pushed me and punched me.
He was not at all kind to me.
What ever happened to this land of the free?
Apparently freedom, no longer applies to me.

I have no family who will take me in
They put me off and say I'm living in sin.
They think that I'm disposable,
But I'm a human being just like you.
Such a statement should not be opposable,
But I'm treated like an old worn out shoe.

People don't usually see me here standing in the rain.
They never see that I am a human, and that I'm in much pain.
You see I fought for my country when I went to a foreign land,
When I came home there was no fanfare, no band.
I came back only to find no help for me,
My broken body, soul, and mind,
Makes people uncomfortable, they leave me behind.
People see me as a bum, a loafer, and lazy.
They call me an addict, and mentally crazy.

What I am is a human being just like you.
I deserve to be treated with dignity too.
Although I'm broke and broken, don't judge me so severe,
For one day, if circumstances dictate, you also could be here.
Be kind to all  people you come across in life,
No matter who they may be, we all experience strife.

Everyone deserves a home to call their own.
Everyone deserves to be cared for, and kindness shown.
Will you be the one to help make an opportunity for me to feel loved?
Or will you continue on your way, not caring, and giving me a shove.
Humanity needs a reset and to let greed, and ego go.
People need to become humane to each other, and allow humanity to grow.

~ Linda Meyer